Recommended Grades: K-12
Focus: Social Science, History
A Virtual Tour of the Museum with a live USS Hornet educator as your Guide. Explore up to 10 spaces and learn the science and history behind them
Programs are delivered via Zoom after registration!
Advance registration for Ready Room Time programs are required to receive Zoom information Teachers’ Guide, and print or review any pre-program materials. Payment due in advance and is not refundable, though your program will be rescheduled if you need to cancel.
Tour A
Navigation & Captain’s Bridge
Pilots’ Ready Room
Enlisted Berthing
Fo’c’sle (Anchor Room)
Catapult Machinery Room
Combat Information Center CIC
Marine Detachment
Tour B
Navigation & Captain’s Bridge
Pilots’ Ready Room
Fo’c’sle (Anchor Room)
Torpedo Workshop
Radio Central
Engine Room
NASA’s Apollo Missions & Apollo Splashdown
Maximum Class Size: 50
Programs Run 40-60 Minutes
Email Us to schedule this Virtual Classroom Program: