Community Outreach
The USS Hornet Sea, Air & Space Museum proudly hosts community events on board our amazing ship that highlight various causes, community groups, and age ranges and is dedicated to welcoming and engaging our community and visitors with fun, unique, and memorable experiences. If you prefer something a bit more intimate or unusual, we invite Museum guests to explore the depths of the ship in one of our Special Tour options.

80th Anniversary of the Battle of Okinawa Wardroom Speaker Series
Community Outreach Activities
Community Outreach
We are a place for Veterans, their service, and their stories.
One of our largest events each year is our Fourth of July celebration but, more than that, we honor days of remembrance for soldiers of all military branches and veterans. USS Hornet is herself a veteran as are many of our dedicated staff and volunteers and it is an important part of our mission to commemorate their service and sacrifice both from the past as well as the present. Every year, we host events for Veterans Day, Memorial Day, as well as other anniversary markers from past battles and wars, and we invite you to come and participate regardless of your own military service status.

Visit from a Cockpit
Have an F8 or F11 Fighter Jet Cockpit at your next event!
Make your next community event a memorable one with a cockpit from the USS Hornet Sea, Air & Space Museum! As part of our mission, we attend non-profit, community, school, and other events throughout the Bay Area. Last year we traveled to San Francisco and downtown Alameda among other cities. Request a cockpit appearance today!
Donation from the Museum
Request a Donation
The USS Hornet Sea, Air & Space Museum makes donations of general admission tickets to support non-profit organizations and schools in the greater San Francisco Bay Area. Please note, the USS Hornet Museum does not make financial contributions of any amount.
We welcome you to submit your request for a donation of general admission tickets. Our goal is to fulfill as many requests as possible, but we are unable to support every organization with a donation.
The USS Hornet Museum requires that all donation requests meet the following criteria:
- Requests must be made by a registered, local non-profit, charitable organization with current 501(c)3 status of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, a public or independent school, or a U.S. Military organization.
- Requests must be received at least thirty-days (30) prior to your event date.
- Requests are accepted for a Family Boarding Pass (value $60) only.
- Donations are limited to one request per organization within a 12 month period.
Donation fulfilment will be sent via U.S. mail only. Please make sure you enter the correct mailing address – we cannot resend donations if they are returned.

Speakers’ Bureau
The Museum offers speakers free to service clubs and other organizations in the extended Bay Area.
The typical speaker is a docent and veteran of US military service. The topics covered in a 30 – 45-minute presentation include: the history of the name Hornet from 1775 to modern times, the World War II exploits of the ship, the Apollo 11 and 12 recoveries, and features of the Museum, including special events and highlighted artifacts. We have provided speakers to organization such as DAR chapters, Lions, Kiwanis and Rotary clubs, church-related groups, veterans organizations, and various SIR chapters. If your organization is interested in booking a speaker, please contact us at: