Join us March 22nd, 2025 for the only Cosplay, Anime, and Gaming convention
on an Aircraft Carrier!
Are you a fan of cosplay? Anime? Comics? Games? Then prepare for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity as the USS Hornet Sea, Air and Space Museum is proud to present CarrierCon! a convention celebrating cosplay, tabletop gaming, and Western and Japanese media. CarrierCon is an opportunity for people of all ages to share their love of cosplay and pop culture media while supporting a local museum.
The USS Hornet Sea, Air and Space Museum is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that utilizes the historic aircraft carrier USS Hornet and the collections, exhibitions, and educational programming to promote awareness and understanding of history, science, technology, and service. All proceeds made from CarrierCon go to support the USS Hornet Sea, Air and Space Museum.
CarrierCon is a special event where the Museum engages with new audiences and broaden awareness of the Museum and its mission of education and preservation of history and science. We welcome all fandoms to not only enjoy one of the most unique conventions in the United States but to discover the USS Hornet in a way entirely unique to them!
(NOTE-Updated Map and Cosplay rules now available above!)

CarrierCon 2025 Attendee
- General Attendee $40 (Pre-Registration $35)*
- Youth $30 (Pre-Registration $25)*
(Youth are ages 17 and Under, anyone under 14 must have an attending Adult Chaperone)
A Day Pass to CarrierCon includes:
- Admission to the Museum (allows you to go on any available guided tours and everywhere Museum guests have access–areas that are lit and open), including the Flight Deck
- Access to our Photo Track
- Access to all convention amenities
*Museum Members get $5 off convention admission. Be sure to check your Member emails for the discount code or contact
Overnight Add-On
General Attendee $80
(Overnight participants must be 7 years and older all minors must be accompanied by an adult or legal guardian) Stay Saturday night in one of our historic ship’s many bunks! Accommodations are similar to a hostel with group sleeping quarters and toilets down the hall with plenty of space to stow gear (cosplay or otherwise). The overnight includes dinner and either a historic or ghost tour of the ship. This overnight experience is available for pre-registration only.
Artist Alley Tables $55 (Artist Alley Sold Out)
Exhibitor Table $500 (Exhibitor Tables Sold Out)
Vendor Tables are in Hangar Deck alongside the Museum’s collection of historic aircraft, helicopters, and NASA artifacts.
Set-Up will be from 8 – 10 AM, Tear-Down from 5 PM – 6 PM. Vendor Hall hours will be 10 AM – 5 PM. A lift will be available for load in and load out during designated timeframes.
Vendor Hall Status will includes (dependent on tier):
- Artist Alley Table
- Approximately 6′x 5′ and includes one 6′ x 3′ table
- 2 Event Passes (may purchase a third Event Pass for additional $20)
- Acts as standard admission plus early/late access to the Vendor hall area
- 1 6 ft. table and 2 chairs
- Exhibitor Table
- 10 x 10 ft display space, includes two 6 ft. tables including 2-4 chairs
- Promotion in Carrier Con social media marketing.
- 3 Event Passes (may purchase a third Event Pass for additional $20)
- Acts as standard admission plus early/late access to the Vendor hall area
- New Preferred Parking Add-On for $10 and Pier Parking for the day
Panel Registration is closed.
Submit your idea for a panel or workshop! The head panelist and co-panelist (if applicable) will each receive an Admission pass to CarrierCon.
- Head Panelist must be at least 18 years old.
- Panelists must not charge a separate admission/workshop fee and may not sell anything.
- Any items necessary for the panel (e.g. laptop, pencils, etc.) must be brought in by the panelist unless agreed upon in advance by the Museum. All requests for materials must be submitted with the panel application.
- Panels must be suitable for all ages – e.g. no adult language or visuals, etc.
- Panels that are found to contain inappropriate content (e.g. 18+ material in a general panel, content disparaging or otherwise offensive to con attendees) may be immediately terminated and the presenter(s) ejected from the convention.
- Panelists who are “no-shows” and/or abuse the panelist perks will have subsequent panel applications rejected for a period of at least one year.
- Panelists who do not check-in to the Information Desk at least 10 minutes prior to their panel will be presumed as “no-shows.” Panelists must also arrive to the panel area within 5 minutes of panel start time or be declared a “no-show.”
- Panels must end according to the panel schedule and immediately vacate the panel area to allow the next panelist to set up.
- CarrierCon may change panel location or other panel information with little or no notice to presenter if needed. Head Panelist will receive schedule confirmation upon check-in to the Information Desk.
Attendee Volunteer
Attendee Volunteers are responsible for fulfilling minor tasks at the event. Sample tasks may include wristband checking spaces, answering simple wayfinding questions, or monitoring and tidying spaces. We ask that Attendee Volunteers work at least one of the following shifts:
Volunteer shifts will be from 10 AM to 5 PM, with three shifts:
- Morning (10 AM – Noon),
- Midday (Noon – 2 PM), and
- Afternoon (2 PM – 5 PM)
Attendee Volunteers must be 18 years of age or older. Exceptions may be made for those who have a parent or guardian onsite volunteering with them concurrently or for those over 14 who have a signed parental consent form.
Attendee Volunteers will receive complimentary Admission as well as snacks and CarrierCon’s gratitude!
Attendee Volunteers who do not fulfill their duties or perform according to our standards will not be allowed to volunteer at future events and, in some instances, may be dismissed or ejected from the convention. This includes abandoning post without securing permission from a supervisor, violating policies, or displaying poor attitude.
- Fill out the Online Application (see link below).
- CarrierCon Staff will review your application. You will receive an email notifying you of your tentative acceptance within 14 days of your application.
- If you are accepted, you will be assigned a role. While we attempt to match interests and roles this is unfortunately not always possible. If we aren’t able to match your role to your preferences, you may decline at that time.
- You will check in at the Information Desk at least half an hour early to your shift receive all necessary volunteer items and information.
Attendee Volunteer Opportunities
Information Booth/Registration:
Info: Learn the ins and outs of CarrierCon and the ship’s layout and help attendees find their way or assist with questions.
Registration: Assist in line formation and direct attendees where to go (pre-reg vs at-con lines). If registering volunteers, pass out wristbands and information cards.
Panel Management: Monitor panel areas. Keep track of panel time and signal to panelists as panels are nearing an end. Assist panelists with AV equipment if needed.
Photo Track Management: Keep the flow orderly. Monitor routes as needed, help count off group sizes for smoother flow through the Photo Track, if needed.
Tabletop Gaming Area: Monitor gaming area and keep the space tidy and organized.
Convention Operations: Help monitor various locations of the convention and report violations. Keep spaces tidy and organized. Can include monitoring Artists Alley, roving museum spaces, or other tasks as necessary.

Cosplay Contest
All cosplayers who come aboard for CarrierCon are invited to sign up for our Cosplay Contest! It will be held between our Hangar Bay 3 Stage. The winner of the cosplay contest will win $300 and the two runner ups $100 each!
Flight Deck: Cosplay Meetups/Misc:
Here are the scheduled meet ups so far:
Halo: 11:30 am
Berkeley Kendo Club Demo: 12 Noon
Fictional YouTube Characters: 1:00 pm
Sonic 2 pm
NIKKE: 3 pm
HoloTakeover 3:30 pm
Zenless Zone Zero: 4 pm
Photo Track
Our Photo Track is available to all CarrierCon attendees! Photo Tracks are routes we open throughout the day that take you into areas the public doesn’t usually have access to. These routes include the ship’s most photogenic spaces such as the Captain’s Bridge, Combat Information Center, the ship’s jail, a Bomb Assembly area, and even unrestored and creepy passageways! Everyone in cosplay (or anyone else!) should check it out and use the Photo Tracks for opportunities to take some one-of-a-kind photoshoots!
Vendor (Hangar Deck)
Vendor List:
- Stardust City Studio
- Animon Life
- Phase Connect
- Kawa Entertainment
- Mon’s Kawaii World
- Nintendo
Artist List:
- Thread Heaven
- Redteapanda
- Deth P Sun
- Casually Cosplay
- Cheekytweetheart
- Laughingbear
- Kitagiannu
- Morning Tea
- Acelaena
- Effervessa
- Poly-X
- Power Chicken
- Le Spirit Designs
- Bionyo Illustrations
- The Game Corner
- Mouse1ub + chthonicArchivist
- Hella Kinketsu
- CeikO
- Deercassette
- MTSugarr
- Dripping Cute
- Cosmic Kitty Creations
- Asplenia Studios
- Cloverleafpie
- MistiousStar
- Wontonchild Art
- Aitsuki Art
- Kyutepastrry
- LettucePunch
- Kelsiekshidraws
- Lamont Robinson Art
- Rolilomi
- Nevrender
- Waveoftheocean + Hikarudream
- Art of Tangmo
- Pros and Pop
- Daesign Studio
- Melt and Fuze
- Starry Droplets
- Harvestkitty
- Rosemilk.T
- Roastedcha
- Tkeio
- Crowz Designz
- Kid Beowulf Comics
- Vcvdemie
- Kute c Shop
- and Nycthemera
- ChoiTokki
- Medi20
- Art by Lawrence Washington
- Yumbrite
- Petty Party
- Minomino
- Tsumomoca
- Komun
- Yunlin
- Suni
- Wandering Brain
Panels (Hangar Bay 3 Stage/Wardroom/CPO Lounge)
Panel Registration is closed. Note that Panel schedules are still subject to change.
Main Stage (HB3)
- 11 AM – 12 PM Radiactive/Animarchy: Science and History in Content Creation
- 12 PM – 1 PM Chikafuji Lisa Q & A
- 1 PM – 2 PM V-Dere VTuber Group
- 2 PM – 3 PM VFleet Project and Museum Ship Preservation!
- 3 PM – 4 PM Pipkin Pippa + Phase Connect
- 4 PM – 5 PM Cosplay Wrestling Federation (CWF)
- 5 PM – 6 PM Cosplay Contest
- 11 AM – 12 PM Vex the Sun Eater and Zolon
- 12 PM – 1 PM VTubers in the Wild!
- 1 PM – 2 PM Cosplay 101
- 2 PM – 3 PM History in Full Metal Alchemist
- 3 PM – 4 PM D&D in Media
- 4 PM – 5 PM Alfilde: Seal Station
- 5 PM – 6 PM Kumo Goro Goro: Otaku Culture
CPO Lounge:
- 11:15 AM – 12 PM The Royal Manticoran Navy
- 12:15 PM – 1 PM Console Wars
- 1:15 PM – 2 PM Kori Oujo: Where VTubing is going IRL
- 2:15 PM – 3 PM Hara Rae Sol
Tabletop Gaming (2nd Deck)
The 2nd deck CPO room is set aside for gaming. Our lineup includes:
- Starfinder
- Open Board Gaming (The crew will supply some boardgames)
- Open Gaming – Play your own role playing game or board game!
Visit the Museum Exhibits!
What other convention is hosted at a museum? Take some time to explore the ship’s exhibits and open, restored spaces! Photos are allowed throughout the museum and you can learn what it would have been like to live, work, and serve aboard this historic city at sea!
Special Guests
Chikafuji Lisa
-Meet Idol Corp beloved sheep here to steal your heart and bring (good) bad dreams, Chikafuji
Lisa! An accomplished singer, composer, and songwriter, Chikafuji Lisa brings excellence
wherever she shares her musical talents!
Pipkin Pippa
– It’s the one and only, totally NOT Evil rabbit, Pipkin Pippa! Joining from the VTuber talent
agency, Phase Connect, Pippa is fulfilling her dream of becoming a 20,000 + ton warship as the guest of honor for Carrier Con 2025! She can TOTALLY be trusted with attack aircraft.
-Make way for the Valkyrie of Astraline! Meet Alfhilde, your favorite Valkyrie who has a knack for talking history, drinking tea, and bringing victory in war games! Join her as she lands on the Deck of the USS Hornet for Carrier Con 2025
– Do you like Nuclear Science? Streaming? Or Monster girls? We’ll you’re in luck! Carrier Con is
excited to welcome aboard Nuclear Scientist and Streamer, Radiaactive!
Animarchy History
– Meet Youtuber and streamer Animarchy History for Carrier Con 2025! If you love military
history, wargaming, or even some hilarious commentary on Anime, Animarchy is the Historian from down under you are looking for!
Raki Kazuki
– It’s the Raccoon witch who is sure to share her magic with the world! Meet VTuber Raki
Kazuki. Raki is excited to search the USS Hornet for new tra-we mean historical facts as
she join Carrier Con 2025 as a special guest1
VFleet Project
– It’s Anchors Aweigh for adventure! Shipgirls, Jetgirls, and Chaos on the 7 seas! What more
could you ask for? Meet the Talents of VFleet Project as they share their message of supporting
Naval museum ships and aerospace foundations in an effort to preserve history, science, and
-What’s your Dere? Meet the ladies of V-Dere, a team of talented streamers setting out ot steal
hearts and connect to the world through joy, laughter, and community! They are overjoyed to be bringing smiles to Carrier Con 2025!
Oshi on Deck! (After CarrierCon!)
The USS Hornet Museum present, Oshi on Deck!: Hosted by Pipkin Pippa! The first ever Carrier Con after dark event showcasing the extraordinary talent and passion of Virtual Streamers known as VTuber! Come aboard to rock out to the musical spectacle of V-Dere, VFleet Project, Raki Kazuki, and the marvelous Chikafuji Lisa!
Doors open at 7 pm. Pre-show at 7:30 and concert from 8 pm to 12 am.
This requires a separate ticket for this evening VTube event-Click HERE for Tickets.osplay 101
Food and Drinks
Concessions will be available on the Museum’s main deck in multiple stations with a variety of food options including Boba, Bento, & more!
Hotel Block
Traveling from afar? No problem! As part of this year’s event, Executive Inn & Suites: Embarcadero Cove and Best Western Plus: Bayside Hotel are offering a special rate for all Carrier Con 2024 Attendees! CLICK HERE!
Parking is free throughout Alameda Point. The Museum’s parking lot is adjacent to her pier (pier parking is reserved for Museum staff, volunteers, and Accessible Parking). CLICK HERE for further information about Driving Directions and Parking information.
The Museum has Accessible bathrooms on the Hangar Deck. Restrooms, or heads, are also available on the next deck below, though they are authentic Navy accommodations (smaller stalls with curtains).
The Museum is a National and State Historic Landmark, and as such retains its original steep stairs and occasional narrow passage throughout the ship. Visitors who are mobility impaired will only have access to the main Hangar Deck though they can access the Flight Deck if they are able to stand upright for a short time and climb 3-4 stairs(going up and down an escalator). For more information on our Accessibility, please CLICK HERE.
Historic, WWII aircraft carrier USS Hornet is a National and State Historic Landmark and a fickle mistress when it comes to what can or can’t work on board. As such, we ask that all attendees adhere to the following rules in addition to our General Code of Conduct.
All functioning bags (regardless if part of a cosplay or not) must meet bag size restrictions of 12”x 8”x 12”. This is to help you fit through hatches.
Dress Code
All clothing and costumes must be appropriate under Alameda County and California public decency laws and all private parts must be covered. There should be no chance of slippage or gaps. Additionally:
- Shoes must be worn at all times. Closed-toed, comfortable shoes are recommended as staircases can be steep and the ship is large, requiring a lot of walking. It may be difficult to walk in heels!
- Undergarments of any kind (bras, panties, boxers, etc.) should not be visible.
- Skirts/shorts should completely cover the derriere.
- Tops should not be so low cut as to reveal undergarments or excessive décolletage.
- Bare midriff is allowed as long as the rest of the outfit conforms to all other listed requirements.
- Topless or open shirt cosplay is not permissible.
- Cosplay involving one-piece Japanese bathing suits (sukumizu) may be worn under other clothing and revealed for photos only.
- While military uniforms and costumes inspired by the military – both the U.S. and abroad – are welcome, anyone wearing swastikas or other Nazi party regalia or costuming of any other hate group will be immediately ejected.
- All props must be under 6’4” in height and 36” in width. Non-functioning bags (cannot be opened or used to store items) are considered props and must meet these requirements as well. Exceptions may be made for modular props which can be taken apart and put back together.
- All props must be examined by CarrierCon staff for safety and tagged at the Peace Bonding station. Real weapons, props that are too realistic, or props that are deemed dangerous may not be permitted.
- Props must be carried carefully and in a neutral position, especially in crowded areas. Long or tall props are to be carried vertically and swords or guns should be holstered or otherwise secured.
- Misuse of any prop will result in immediate revocation of privileges. Props are not to be used in a threatening manner towards any person.
Restricted Items
- Functional weapons are not allowed. Weapon props created out of plastic, cardboard, foam, or other such materials are permissible provided they are not too realistic in appearance or dangerous. Projectile guns (even if non-functional), replica guns, swords with metal and other weapons that have metal components are not allowed. Please note all props must conform to the aforementioned height/width dimensions.